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Some fundamental OS/2 concepts

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The material on this page was written mainly for people who are computer-literate, but who are new to OS/2. It's just possible that expert users will find something new here too.
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Part 1 (this page) Part 2 Part 3


The BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) in a PC is a set of ROM-resident software that provides a low-level interface to devices such as the keyboard, printer, and so on. Some I/O cards, especially video cards, contain a ROM with additions to the BIOS.

The original idea of the BIOS was that it would provide a standard, and to some extent device-independent, interface that freed the operating system from having to deal with the quirks of I/O devices from a whole range of manufacturers. In principle, the BIOS services are available to any operating system that you want to run on the machine.

In practice, the BIOS features have turned out to be independent of operating system provided that the operating system is DOS or one of its close relatives. The original designers did not adequately take into account the possibility of multitasking. It turns out that OS/2, or any similarly advanced operating system, has to bypass most of the BIOS features. If OS/2 is the only operating system you use, then the BIOS is largely a waste of good ROM space.

There are, however, some situations where OS/2 cannot afford to ignore the BIOS:


Partitioning is a way of dividing a single physical disk into two or more pseudo-disks. As far as the software is concerned, each partition can be treated as if it were a separate disk.

There is one catch that is not always fully appreciated. If you have two physical disks, you can gain some parallelism by taking advantage of the fact that you have two sets of almost (although not quite) independent hardware. This means, for example, that the read/write head on one disk can be moving to a new track at the same time as there is a read or write in progress on the other disk. This overlapping of operations can gain you a lot of speed.

If, on the other hand, you have two partitions on a single physical disk, there is no such speed advantage. In fact, an operation like copying a large file from one partition to the other can be very slow, because the single read/write head has to keep jumping from one partition to the other.

Another disadvantage of partitioning is that it takes away some flexibility in space allocation. If you're running short of disk space, you can reach the point where the total free space is sufficient for some desired operation, but you can't use it because there's not sufficient free space on any one partition.

The above considerations suggest that partitioning is a bad idea. There are, however, some good reasons why you might want to partition a disk.

The program that manages partitions is called FDISK. You can run it from within OS/2 provided that you don't tamper with any partitions that OS/2 is currently using. For more radical changes, you have to boot from your Utility diskettes and run FDISK from there. During OS/2 installation, the "Advanced Installation" option allows you to run FDISK to prepare the partitions.

Some other operating systems, for example DOS, also have an FDISK program. The different versions are not quite identical, but they have enough in common that you can, with care, set up your partitions from any operating system.

The rules say that there can be at most four partitions per disk. This sounds restrictive, but there's a way out: a partition can be either a "primary partition" or an "extended partition", and an extended partition can be subdivided into further logical partitions. You're only allowed one extended partition per disk, but that's enough. In practice, then, you can have

The obvious conclusion is that it's best to use logical partitions wherever possible, and to use primary partitions only when you have no choice.

Advanced operating systems, such as OS/2 and Linux, don't care whether they're installed on a primary or a logical partition. On the other hand, some systems - notably Windows NT, DOS, and DOS shells such as Windows 95 - must be booted from a primary partition. If you want to run a mixture of operating systems, you have to think carefully about how to set up your partitions.

Here's the crucial complication: if you have more than one primary partition on a disk, the primary partitions cannot "see" one another, and they're given the same drive letter. Here's an example of what can happen.

   C:       Primary    FAT       DOS

   C:       Primary    FAT       Windows NT

   D:       Logical    FAT       Common data and programs

   E:       Logical    HPFS      OS/2

   Unnamed                       Boot manager

In this example DOS and NT both have to be installed on a primary partition, so you get two partitions named C:. Neither of these is visible from the other. Partition D: is visible from all three operating systems. Partition E: is invisible to DOS because DOS doesn't understand HPFS partitions; and it may or may not be visible to Windows NT, depending on whether PINBALL.SYS is installed. OS/2 can see three partitions, but it's not entirely obvious which version of C: it will see; this depends on which C: was the "active" one before OS/2 was booted.

I've left the best part until last. If you add a second physical drive to this configuration, the drive lettering goes crazy. Here's an example of what might happen.

   Disk 1:

      C:       Primary    FAT       DOS

      C:       Primary    FAT       Windows NT

      E:       Logical    FAT       Common data and programs

      F:       Logical    HPFS      OS/2

      Unnamed                       Boot manager

   Disk 2:

      D:       Primary    HPFS      Another data partition

      G:       Logical     FAT      And yet another

What's happening here is that all of the primary partitions are assigned "drive letters" before the logical partitions. As a result, the drive lettering on the first disk changes, even if you didn't touch the first disk when adding the second. Obviously this can cause chaos. To make things more interesting, it's also worthy of note that the partition names as seen by DOS are inconsistent with those seen by OS/2, because of the fact that an HPFS partition now comes ahead of some of the FAT partitions.

The lesson to be learnt from this is simple: if you add another disk drive, don't put any primary partitions on it.

The FAT file system

A disk block holds 512 bytes. (The PC design does allow for the possibility of other block sizes; but I've never seen a PC disk drive that used any other block size.) Read/write operations generally transfer an integral number of blocks, so file sizes have to be rounded up to the next integral number of blocks. (As we'll see below, they might have to be rounded up even further.) Any disk file system must have at least the following properties:
  1. There must be a way of translating a file name into a starting block number. That is, there has to be some sort of directory stored on the disk.
  2. Given the current block number, there must be a way of working out the block number of the next block in the file.
In the FAT system, problem 2 is solved by looking up a table called the File Allocation Table. The original FAT design allowed each FAT entry to be a 12-bit number, allowing for a total of 4096 blocks on the disk. If you do the arithmetic, you'll see that this is adequate for a floppy disk of up to about 2 MB. To allow for larger disks, a 16-bit FAT was introduced, bringing the maximum disk size up to about 32 MB.

These days they don't even make disks that small, so what can we do? The answer is to increase the 512-byte block size. The physical blocks still remain the same, but for the purposes of directory operations adjacent blocks are grouped into "clusters". If, for example, you make the cluster size 8 kB (16 physical blocks), you can handle disks of sizes up to about 512 MB.

The catch is that all file sizes must be rounded up to an integral number of clusters, and 8 kB is a rather large cluster size. This means, for example, that a small batch file that's a couple of dozen characters long still takes up 8 kB of disk space. That adds up to a lot of wasted space.

In practice, then, the only sensible way to use the FAT system is to break your disk into a number of small partitions, to keep the cluster size on each partition small.

An even more sensible approach would be not to use the FAT file system at all. It was designed for floppy disks, and is not really suitable for large disks. Unfortunately, many of us need to retain at least one FAT partition for the sake of DOS compatibility.

I'll skip the explanation of how directories work in this file system, since it would probably bore most people.

The HPFS file system

This section is just a quick overview. For more advanced descriptions, check out the extra references.

The first important fact is that HPFS does not have the cluster-size limitation that FAT has. In HPFS the cluster size is always equal to the physical disk block size, no matter how large the disk. (There's a limit, but we're still a long way from reaching it.) This means less wasted space, and no worries about making partitions too large. You can, if you wish, set up your hard disk as one large partition.

Second, HPFS directories are arranged as a sort of tree structure. A directory in a FAT system is just a linear array, and if the directory becomes large then there's quite a bit of overhead in searching it. The directories in an HPFS system are arranged in such a way as to make searching faster.

Third, the space allocation in HPFS is a little more sophisticated than the simple "find the first free block" strategy used in the FAT file system. HPFS makes an effort to ensure that a file is physically close to its directory information, and to keep the probability of fragmentation low. (File fragmentation is the condition that arises when a file consists of a lot of isolated small chunks, rather than a small number of large chunks. Disk fragmentation is the related condition where the same thing happens to your free space.) This is important, because fragmentation can really slow down disk operations. HPFS volumes become fragmented only in extreme cases - for example, when the volume is nearly full. FAT volumes, on the other hand, quickly become fragmented even in "normal" operation. With FAT, you have to run a "defragger" every so often or performance will suffer. With HPFS, the degree of fragmentation almost never reaches the point where this would make a noticeable difference.

Are there any disadvantages? Yes, HPFS is more complex than the FAT system, and this adds some space and time overheads. For the typical hard disk, the advantages more than pay back the overheads. For very small disks, or disks containing only a small number of files, HPFS would be inefficient. It's probably not a good idea to use HPFS for floppy disks.

Extended attributes

I forgot to mention what goes into a directory entry. The entry for a file holds what are known as the attributes of the file: its name, its size, its starting location, special properties such as whether the file is read-only, and so on.

A crude file system such as FAT has room for only a very minimal set of attributes in a directory entry. HPFS directories contain more information per file. In particular, HPFS doesn't have the famous "8.3" restriction on the size and format of file names. In addition, HPFS makes provision for a set of "Extended Attributes" - for example, the file's icon - to be stored alongside the file. You can think of the extended attribute information as being a supplement to the directory entry.

On a FAT partition, OS/2 still stores the extended attributes (EA) for a file near that file, but there's no provision in the FAT directory entries to show that that extra disk space is in use. OS/2 gets around this by creating an extra hidden file called "EA DATA. SF" in the root directory, and this links together the EA information for all files on that partition. (The spaces in the file name are to make it harder to accidentally delete EA DATA. SF.) Strictly speaking, this hidden file is not a file at all, but rather a workaround to tell the FAT directory mechanism that certain disk blocks are in use and are not to be re-allocated.

(You might also notice a hidden file called "WP ROOT. SF". This exists on all partitions, even HPFS partitions, and it holds attribute information for the root node of the directory tree.)

If you copy a file from an HPFS partition to a floppy, take it to another machine, and copy it another HPFS partition, the information in "EA DATA. SF" is used to reconstruct the directory entry. As a result the file retains its long name, its icon, and so on.

(Warning: don't try this experiment on a Windows 95 system; you'll risk overwriting other files with similar names. This is what happens when you simulate long names rather than implement them properly.)

Many files don't need extended attributes, and the information is stored only if it's needed. Nevertheless, the extended attribute file can grow rather large. This is not a real problem on an HPFS partition, where extended attributes are stored separately with each file. On a FAT partition, the fact that all the EA information is lumped into one big file creates safety problems: if the EA file is corrupted, it can have far-reaching consequences.

On an HPFS partition, the file name (up to 255 characters) is stored in the directory entry. On a FAT partition, there's not enough room in the directory entry to store a long file name, so there has to be an extra extended attribute just to hold the long file name. A complication with this scheme is that every file ends up with two names. These are shown as the "Title" and the "Real name" on the Details view of a folder. The two names are usually the same on an HPFS partition, but often different on a FAT partition. The Title - i.e. the long name - is what's used in desktop operations such as copying a file using the mouse. The Real name is what gets used in a command-line session. With enough ingenuity you can make the two names totally different from each other ... but that's something I wouldn't recommend, because you can end up confusing yourself.

The OS/2 Boot Manager

If OS/2 is the only operating system you have, you don't need a Boot Manager. It's an optional extra, for those of us who want a choice of operating systems when booting up.

When you turn on the power on your computer, or restart it by pushing the Reset button, you're giving control to the BIOS. The BIOS does some initialisation, and then loads a "boot block" from the active primary partition. This boot block normally contains a small loader program, whose job is to start the loading of the rest of the operating system.

But what do we mean by the "active primary partition"? We've already seen that it's possible to partition a disk such that it has more than one "drive C:". The BIOS has to decide which of these gets control. To permit this, there's a flag in the disk's Master Boot Record that says which of the competing partitions is "bootable".

If you install the Boot Manager, it occupies its own small primary partition (which, however, is not given a drive letter), and that partition is the one marked bootable. This means that the "operating system" loaded by the BIOS is the Boot Manager program. The function of that program is quite simple: it asks you to choose a partition, and then it loads the operating system from that partition. If you have two or more operating systems installed (each on its own partition), you simply have to make sure that each operating system is on the Boot Manager menu. You can customize the Boot Manager menu by running FDISK.

Although the BIOS can only boot a system from a primary partition, the Boot Manager can boot from any partition (and any disk) that you specify. In principle, you could even take an operating system that insists on being on a primary partition, put it on a logical partition instead, and then use the Boot Manager to start it. In practice, what stops you from doing this is the fact that the more primitive operating systems won't let you install them on a non-primary partition in the first place.

Dual boot systems

What if you wanted to put two operating systems on the same partition?

Well, since you asked ... the best advice I can give is DON'T DO IT! Take a cold shower, think about it a while, and then go and install the Boot Manager. It's a bad idea on several counts.

Nevertheless, OS/2 allows you to do this - in fact, it's the default installation choice for those who already have DOS and who aren't brave enough to select the "Advanced Installation" option - so we might as well admit that some people are going to do it anyway.

The way to implement it is to modify some crucial parts of the boot drive. If you're currently running OS/2 and you execute the "Boot to DOS" program, what that program does is to copy a small section near the beginning of the disk to a suitable backup location, and then replace that section by what DOS expects. If you then shut down and restart the machine, the BIOS loads that replacement section, and then jumps to the code there, and it so happens that that code is now the correct code for starting DOS. Obviously, the converse operation is performed when rebooting from DOS to OS/2.

In addition to the above, it's necessary to copy or rename the files AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS. Both DOS and OS/2 have system files with these names, but their contents aren't the same. Thus these files have to be shuffled around as part of the "Dual Boot" operation.

This shuffling around of some important parts of the hard disk contents is the biggest part of the reason why Dual Boot isn't a good idea. If there's a power failure at just the wrong time, or if someone hits the Reset button or the power switch prematurely - and that's something that's quite easy to do, if you're not concentrating - then the job will be left in a half-done state, to the point where neither operating system can be booted.


AUTOEXEC.BAT is purely for use in DOS sessions. If you never ran any DOS (or Windows) programs, you wouldn't need an AUTOEXEC.BAT.

The file contains a sequence of DOS commands that are executed each time you start a DOS program or a DOS command shell. (For the purposes of this discussion, you have to remember that WinOS2 sessions also run in DOS command shells.) Most commonly these statements are for setting some environment variables, in particular the PATH.

If you have both DOS and OS/2 installed on your computer, you will have two files called AUTOEXEC.BAT, and it's important not to confuse the two. Suppose, for example, that you have DOS installed on C: and OS/2 installed on E:. Then the file C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT is the one that's executed when you boot the DOS system, and E:\AUTOEXEC.BAT is the one that's executed each time you run a DOS program under OS/2.

(If you have a Dual Boot system, then both versions of AUTOEXEC.BAT live in the same directory. The Dual Boot program handles this by renaming them each time you swap operating systems.)

A well-known problem with DOS, especially when Windows applications are installed, is that the PATH tends to get too long. If you look at a typical PATH, you'll see that most of the entries are unnecessary most of the time, but each has to be there because it's needed by just one or two programs. The DOS emulation in OS/2 gets around this by allowing you to have several different "autoexec" files - of course, they all have to have different names. To specify a customised AUTOEXEC file for a DOS program, open the Properties notebook of that program, go to the "DOS Properties" section, and select the entry DOS_AUTOEXEC.


Both DOS and OS/2 use files called CONFIG.SYS. (As before, you'll have two such files, one on each boot drive, if you have both DOS and OS/2 installed. On the other hand, unlike AUTOEXEC.BAT, there isn't a separate CONFIG.SYS for the DOS emulation.) In DOS, CONFIG.SYS is usually quite short, and its main function is to specify a few device drivers that are to be loaded at boot time. The CONFIG.SYS in OS/2 has a similar function, but it's invariably much longer.

One way to find out the functions of the various device drivers is with the command "HELP BASEDEV". This won't tell you about all the drivers, but it will tell you about the main ones. By the way, you won't go far wrong if you assume that the device drivers whose names start with "V" are for use when running DOS sessions.

CONFIG.SYS also contains definitions of PATH, DPATH, LIBPATH, and HELP. As in DOS, the PATH variable is a list of directories, stating which directories to search when trying to find an executable file. DPATH is similar, except that it's used when searching for data files. (Unfortunately, there's no very clear definition of which programs will use DPATH for this purpose.) LIBPATH is used when searching for a DLL (dynamic linked library), and HELP is used when searching Help files.

Most of the rest of CONFIG.SYS contains definitions of so-called "environment variables". An environment variable is a system-wide constant (no, I don't know why they call it a variable) whose value is needed by many different programs. For example, if you have a constant called TZ defined in your CONFIG.SYS, then by widely-accepted convention its value is used by any program that needs to know what time zone you're in.

Since CONFIG.SYS is a global resource, you'd have to be stupid to use it to define an environment variable that's needed only by one or two programs. Unfortunately, far too many application developers are precisely that stupid. There's even a program (guess which one!) that puts an unencrypted copy of your "system manager" password into CONFIG.SYS. As time goes on, and you install more and more badly-designed applications, your CONFIG.SYS tends to fill up with more and more cryptic things which aren't documented anywhere. It probably even contains environment variables belonging to programs that you deleted long ago.

It's important to understand that CONFIG.SYS is read only once, while OS/2 is starting up. Any change you make to CONFIG.SYS will have no effect until the next time you re-boot. That's why some application installation routines want to re-boot the machine. A re-boot during installation almost certainly means that the installer has modified CONFIG.SYS. You should be extremely suspicious of such programs, because more often than not they're the sort of program that leaves rubbish around even after you think you've de-installed them.

INI files

We've seen that CONFIG.SYS holds configuration parameters that are intended as "permanent settings". In principle CONFIG.SYS is created at the time of system installation, and is never changed unless you make a major system change like adding a new device. (The discrepancy between theory and practice is greater in practice than it is in theory, but that's the fault of sloppy application developers.)

There's also a need for recording parameters that can change during normal system use: folder positions, for example, or parameter settings for applications that have configurable parameters. OS/2 uses INI files for this purpose. An INI file is a binary file, for efficiency, so you can't read it with a text editor. There are, however, several freeware and shareware INI file editors that will let you look at these files.

Each entry in an INI file is, in effect, a triplet of the form (Application,Key,Value). The Application and Key parts are names that are usually human-readable. The size, format, and meaning of the Value part is application-dependent. The value could be a number, or a character string, or some more complicated data structure. Most typically its meaning is not documented anywhere, because programmers consider the INI data to be internal detail of interest only to the original programmer. (As a result, it can be a risky business trying to edit an INI file.)

One great strength of using INI files is that each application can have its own private INI file. The alternative would be to have a huge central registry holding the configuration data for the entire system. This, however, would be extremely bad design: it would allow applications to interfere with the system, it would allow applications to interfere with other applications, and it would be inefficient because of the size of the registry. It's far better for applications to keep their own private data in their own directories.

There are two "global" INI files, called the System INI file (OS2SYS.INI) and the User INI file (OS2.INI). The System INI file holds data needed by the operating system, and the User INI file holds data needed by some of the "core" applications. Since not all programmers are as competent as we'd like, you will also find entries in the global INI files that should really have been put in private INI files.

The system does not always delete obsolete INI file entries, so the files tend to grow with time. This phenomenon was particular bad in OS/2 version 2.0. It has improved in later versions, but it's still desirable to run an INI file checker from time to time, to flush out the incorrect and obsolete entries.

Folders and Directories

A folder is a desktop container object, whose function is to hold other objects. A directory is a container object on a disk, and its function is to hold files (and possibly other directories, which are then called subdirectories). At least, that's the principle. The way it's implemented in practice, a directory is just a disk file, containing a collection of directory entries; and each directory entry is, in effect, a pointer to a file "contained" in that directory.

With some operating systems, the concepts of "folder" and "directory" are quite distinct from each other. In OS/2, they're effectively the same thing. There's a directory on your boot disk, typically called "Desktop", and if you use a file manager to look at the contents of that directory you'll find that it has subdirectories, each of which corresponds to a desktop folder. Any files that are sitting on the desktop, or in a desktop folder, will show up as files in that particular disk directory.

Conversely, if you use the Drives object to look at a disk directory, you'll find each file represented as a desktop object, and each subdirectory represented as a folder.

There's a slight complication that sometimes confuses some people. If you use the Drives object to open a Details view of the desktop (or, more simply, you right click on the desktop and say "Open as details view"), you'll see some objects that have a Title but not a Real Name. With most file managers, those objects appear to be missing when you look at the Desktop directory.

What's happening here is that many desktop objects are defined entirely by the information about them in an INI file, and because of this they don't take any disk space. Thus, they don't have a file name or a directory entry. Some file managers will show them as files of zero size, but most will simply not notice that they're there.

Desktop objects

Everything represented by a desktop icon is called an "object", but there are many different kinds of object. Fortunately for our sanity, these all fall into one of three general categories: The above doesn't fully explain the difference between a shadow and an abstract object, so let's look into that distinction. A shadow is truly nothing more than a pointer. If, for example, you have a file called A.DAT, and also a shadow of that file, then any changes you make to that file are automatically reflected in the shadow. If you change the name of the file, the shadow's name also changes. If you change its icon, the shadow's icon changes. If you move the file to a different directory, the shadow won't change visibly, but internally it's changed so as to track the new location. If you try to edit the Properties of the shadow, what you'll actually open is the Properties notebook of the physical file. Finally, if you delete the file, the shadow will also disappear.

(On the other hand, deleting a shadow does not delete the original object.)

A Program Object, unlike a shadow, is a separate object in its own right, even though it ultimately contains a reference to some physical executable file. You can think of it as a more flexible kind of pointer - a pointer that also has several other attributes. The Properties notebook of a Program Object is quite separate from the Properties notebook of the executable program file. As a simple example of this, you could choose to give two different icons to the two things. More importantly, you can put different things in the Parameters field. Later in this section I'll explain why this is useful.

If you delete a shadow, it's easy to reconstruct. Accidentally deleted program objects can be reconstructed with just a little more effort. If, however, you delete a real disk file or directory then it's gone. It's therefore important to know what sort of object you're dealing with.

Most people have their desktop colour scheme set up in such a way that a shadow title has a distinctive colour. If that's not enough of a clue, try a right mouse click on the object. It's a shadow if the menu has a submenu called "Original".

To tell the difference between the other two possibilities, open the Properties notebook. If it's a real disk file, it will have one or more "File" pages in the notebook. If these pages are missing, the object is an abstract object. (Note, by the way, that a desktop folder is a "real file" for the purposes of this classification.)

In a real-life office, most of the files should be in a filing cabinet. The desktop should be almost bare, containing only the frequently-needed tools and the work currently in progress. OK, maybe your desk isn't like that. Mine isn't either. But that's the way it would be if we were properly organised.

Likewise, there shouldn't be any real files (apart from folders) on your OS/2 desktop, or in any folders on the desktop. The only things on the desktop, or in folders on the desktop, should be folders, abstract objects, and shadows.

The main function of a shadow is to act as a short-cut to some frequently-accessed object in the filing system. My own desktop contains a folder called "Shadows", and that contains shadows of the disk directories that I often need to open.

If you want to put a program on your desktop, a shadow is one way of achieving this. However, it usually makes more sense to use a Program Object. This is because

  1. Executable files, especially on a FAT partition, often have cryptic names. A Program Object doesn't have to have the same name as the executable file. For example, you can have an executable CMFW.EXE, and you can create a program object for it with the name "Sort database".
  2. The notebooks for Program Objects and executable files both have provision for parameters and a working directory. If you fill in these fields for an executable file, you are in effect deciding to use the same parameters for every possible use of this program. It makes more sense to put the parameters into the Program Object. This lets you create several Program Objects, all referring to the same program, but with different parameters. As another example, you could create one Program Object for running the program in a window, and another for running the same program full-screen.

Object-oriented concepts

You might have heard that OS/2 is an object-oriented operating system. What does this mean? Instead of answering this question immediately, I'll look first at Object-oriented programming (OOP).

It's a pity that most people get their introduction to OOP via C++. A whole generation of programmers is growing up believing that OOP is something incredibly complex, with a maze of obscure rules and special cases that only a lawyer could love.

This impression is misleading. It happens only because the C++ designers chose to follow an old C tradition: no matter what obscure kludge you dream up, we'll find a way to make it legal. If you look at any programming language that supports a "purer" form of OOP, you'll find that the OOP philosophy supports the notion of "economy of concept".

The basic starting point is something called an object class. A class is a data type, and it's similar to the "record" type in many programming languages, or to a C "struct" type. The difference is this: the class definition lists not only the data components, but also a list of procedures and functions that can operate on objects of that class. (In OOP terminology, these procedures and functions are usually called "methods".) As a matter of security, and to encourage "clean" programming, it makes sense to insist that there be no way of getting at the object data except via the listed methods.

For the sake of emphasis, let's rephrase that. The traditional "record" data type defines the data components of an object. The class definition goes beyond this: at the same time as you define the structure of an object, you also define the set of possible operations on that object.

This, by itself, does not define OOP. You can get the same effect - although with a different notation - in any programming language that supports "information hiding" principles. To make it object-oriented, we must introduce the notion of inheritance.

Suppose we've already defined an object class C1, and we're in the process of defining a new class C2. If we specify that C2 will inherit from C1, the result is that C2 automatically includes all data components and all methods that were defined for C1. In addition, C2 can have some extra components and methods that aren't present in objects of type C1. This means that an object of type C2 is an object of type C1, but with some extra properties.

One way of describing this is to say that C2 is a subclass of C1. I personally find this description confusing; I prefer to say that C2 is a refinement of C1. Both sets of terminology are in common use.

Most implementations of OOP also support a property called polymorphism. It works like this. Suppose that C1 includes a method called F, and C2 also includes a method with the same name F, but with a different implementation. If this is legal - which it is, in most OOP languages - then the name F has become potentially ambiguous, because we have two functions with the same name. The ambiguity is resolved in the obvious way: if F is applied to an object of class C2, then the method of class C2 is used. If F is applied to an object of which is in class C1 (but not in C2), then the method of class C1 is used.

The end result is that you can have many different versions of a function. When that function operates on an object, the object class determines which version will be used.

There's actually more to it than that, but the extra details are of interest only to programmers. Our real goal here is to look at what object orientation means to an operating system.

In one sense, the terms "object-oriented programming" and "object-oriented operating system" are two quite different things. You can write an object-oriented operating system using a programming language that's not object-oriented, and vice versa. Nevertheless, the same inheritance ideas are used in both cases. An operating system is object-oriented if it supports class inheritance. The user interface is object-oriented if the consequences of that inheritance are evident to the user.

Let's take a concrete example. We could start with a class called "file". The methods of this class would include the standard operations on a file: opening it, closing it, reading from it, writing to it.

We could then refine the class, by defining subclasses, in a number of different ways. We could, for example, define a subclass "directory"; objects of this class are files of a specialised kind. All of the operations on "file" are also applicable to "directory", but objects of type "directory" have a few extra operations that aren't applicable to all files.

As another example, it's not hard to see that the various kinds of screen objects can be built up by successive refinement of classes. You could, for example, define a class "screen rectangle", with a few primitive operations to write to that rectangle. You could then further specialise it to a "screen window" class that included things like a title bar. After a few more steps, you might end up with an "editable text window" class, which has all the properties of its predecessors and which also has a few special operations (insert, delete, etc.) which are specific to the editing task. In fact, the OS/2 System Editor is a concrete instance of something that was built up by this sort of refinement.

For programmers, the main point of the object-oriented approach is that it provides a mechanism for the re-use of existing software. If you want to define a new object class, the way to do it is to take an existing class that nearly does what you want, and from that create a sub-class that adds a few extra features. If there's no existing class that's close enough, that simply means that you have to work through several layers of the refinement process - a lot of work, perhaps, but it's still better than starting from nothing.

It's important, too, to understand that this is not something that's hidden inside the operating system. Suppose, for example, you wanted to develop a drag-and-drop version of the popular "zip" and "unzip" utilities. OS/2 already has a "folder" class, which includes support for things like letting the user drag things into or out of a folder. All you'd have to do is develop a subclass of this folder class, with the extra property that anything dragged into the folder was automatically compressed, and anything dragged out of the folder was automatically uncompressed. Doing this does not require you to be part of the OS/2 development team, or to have access to the OS/2 source. It's something that can be done by an application developer. With an object-oriented operating system, it's easy to add customised extensions to the user interface.

From the user's viewpoint, the big virtue of object orientation is that it provides consistency in the interface. There are many different kinds of desktop object, but they all have an ancestor class that supports the basic mouse operations (drag, open menu, etc.). Once a user has learnt how to do a "drag" operation on some object, the common base class implementation means that a "drag" on any other object is done in exactly the same way.

Dynamic linked libraries

A library is a collection of executable code, preferably code that is general-purpose enough to be useful in many different programs. The purpose of a library is, of course, to save programmers the trouble of re-inventing the wheel.

The most obvious, and traditional, use of a library is where a programmer calls procedures and functions from the library, and those pieces of code are linked to the programmer's own code and become part of the executable program.

But what if two programs use the same library function, and then they are run at the same time? This would mean that two copies of the library function are simultaneously present in main memory. This is a waste of memory, which we could avoid if we had some way to ensure that only one copy of the shared code was loaded.

One way to achieve this is to pre-load the entire library into memory, and then get the application programmers to call the pre-loaded library functions rather than linking the library code in as part of the executable. This can be done, and in fact it was done in some early software systems. The catch nowadays is that we have more and bigger libraries. We would tie up huge amounts of main memory just to hold the library code. Most of this could would be simply sitting there unused. This is not an efficient use of main memory.

A dynamic linked library (DLL) steers a middle course between these two extremes. When an application programmer calls something from a DLL, the library code is not linked in ahead of time; the linking is not done until someone runs the program. (This is the "dynamic" aspect of the linking.) Once the system knows that someone is using the DLL, it can be loaded into main memory. If two different programs both use the same DLL, only one copy is loaded. When all users of that DLL have finished execution, the DLL can be removed from main memory, leaving space for other applications.

Dynamic linking has a slight run-time overhead. The programs don't load quite as quickly as statically linked programs. Given the improved usage of main memory, most people would judge this small overhead to be completely acceptable.

VIO, PM, and the WPS

Abbreviations like "WPS" are used a lot in discussions about OS/2. If you don't want to feel left out, it helps to know the meaning of the jargon.

VIO (Virtual I/O) is that part of OS/2 that deals with text-mode screen output. Programmers use VIO calls if they want their programs to run in "OS/2 Window" or "OS/2 Full Screen" sessions. That is, text-mode OS/2 applications are usually VIO applications.

(In a full-screen session it's also possible to write graphics-mode applications that bypass the VIO layer and work more directly with the screen. A program that does that can only run in a full-screen session; the system won't let it run in a window.)

The Presentation Manager (PM) is a higher-level software layer that provides more complicated features: graphics windows, windows within windows, menus, pushbuttons, multiple text fonts, and so on. Graphic-mode applications for OS/2 are almost always PM applications.

The command shell of an operating system is the part that accepts input from the user, and acts on it. Some command shells are text-mode shells, accepting typed commands. Some others are Graphical User Interface (GUI) shells, using a mouse (or other pointing device) as the primary source of command input. As supplied, OS/2 comes with one text-mode shell and one GUI shell. You also have the option of replacing these with third-party shells.

The text-mode shell is CMD.EXE. This is the program that runs when you open an OS/2 window or full-screen session.

The standard GUI shell is PMSHELL.EXE, also known as the Workplace Shell (WPS). There's normally a PROTSHELL line in your CONFIG.SYS that starts the WPS as the system is booting. You could, if you wished, start OS/2 without the WPS, simply by changing "PMSHELL" to "CMD" in this PROTSHELL line.

When you run an OS/2 Full Screen session, what you're doing is temporarily disabling the WPS and giving control to the text-mode shell. An OS/2 Window is something different: you're running the text-mode shell as a PM application under the control of the WPS.

The reason why a command processor is called a "shell" is that it's not, strictly speaking, part of the operating system; instead, it's a layer that sits on top of the operating system. As far as the operating system is concerned, a command shell is just one more application program.

Registered classes

Now we're back to the topic of object orientation.

When a programmer defines a new object class, its definition needs to be accessible to potential users of that class. If the class is something that's used only in the same program, this problem is taken care of by the visibility rules of the programming language being used, and the operating system doesn't need to be involved. If, however, the class is to be made available to other programs, the operating system needs to be told about it. The class then becomes a registered class.

[Note: I've oversimplified here for the sake of brevity. The full story on registered classes is rather complex, and I'm not sure that I fully understand it myself. You should treat the description in this section as a rough approximation to what really happens.]

Recall that a class consists of a data structure and a set of methods - i.e. executable code - to operate on data of that class. Where do we keep the executable code? The OS/2 solution is to put it into a DLL. When a class is registered for public use, the programmer supplies the class name and the name of the DLL. Subsequently, any use of that class causes the code in the DLL to be invoked.

In the most recent versions of OS/2, the DLLs for some classes are loaded into memory at boot time. (I don't recall when this feature was first introduced, but it's certainly what happens in Warp 4.) This slows down the boot process, but it's a way of ensuring fast access to the frequently-used DLLs. If it turns out that a particular DLL is pre-loaded but not used, it will soon enough be moved from main memory to the swap file.

The pre-loaded classes are listed as PM_Workplace:IplLoad in OS2.INI. In addition, there are classes which are not, strictly speaking, pre-loaded, but which are present almost from system startup, simply because they are used by software components (such as the WPS) that are (for most OS/2 users) present all of the time.

Note also that many (perhaps most) of these DLLs implement more than one class. If you need just one of the classes, the whole DLL is loaded, so you get all of the other classes supported by that DLL. This explains why, for example, the much-maligned image viewer can't be removed unless you remove the entire multimedia subsystem.


The contents of your file system can be broadly classified as "programs" and "data". People familiar with computers tend to think of the programs as the active elements, and the data as something to be manipulated by the programs.

Computer users who are not software experts take quite a different view. For them, the important files are the word processor documents, the spreadsheets, the databases, and so on. The programs are just part of the "inner machinery" of the computer - something that needs to be there, but which doesn't necessarily need to be understood.

An object-oriented approach is particularly suited to the needs of this second group. When starting to work with some object, the basic operation is "open this object". It's the computer's job to work out whether to open it as a word processor document, or as a WWW reference, or whatever happens to be appropriate.

You can make this work by establishing associations between data objects and programs. Once this is done, an "open" operation on a data object automatically invokes the associated program. OS/2 allows for two kinds of associations:

A file can end up being associated with more than one program. If this happens, the object's "Open as" menu will have more than one entry. In that case, one of the entries will be designated as the default. You can change the default (for one object at a time) on the Menu page of the Properties notebook. To change the default on a system-wide basis, you need an association editor.

[Special case: the Image Viewer in Warp 4 makes itself the default for various graphics files, and there does not appear to be any way to remove this default except on a file-by-file basis. This is a new bug^H^H^Hfeature in Warp 4.]

If you look at the Properties notebooks of various filesystem objects, you'll see that executable objects usually have an Associations page, and data objects usually don't. This is a new feature of Warp 4. In earlier versions of OS/2, many users tried to set the associations in the data objects, and then were surprised to see that they didn't get the desired effect. (What happened was that an association was set for that particular object, but not for all objects of that type.) The new system, whereby you can only set the associations at the program end, makes this sort of mistake less likely.

You'll also notice that the Properties notebook of a data object usually has a "Type" page, and sometimes also has a "Become" page. OS/2 sets the association type and object class using "reasonable" default assumptions, but if you don't like the result you can change it.

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Last modified: 23 July 2004